Mike Thelwall

Leads the Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. He has developed free software and methods for social media sentiment analysis and for systematically gathering and analysing web and social web data. He is particularly interested in social science applications of big data. His program SentiStrength is sold commercially, given free to academics, and used in several academic social media analysis toolkits. He has co-authored 240 refereed journal articles and has written two books. He is an associate editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology and sits on three other editorial boards.


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Bruno Gonçalves

Is a tenured faculty member at Aix-Marseille Université with a strong expertise in using large scale datasets for the analysis of human behaviour. After completing his joint PhD in Physics, MSc in C.S. at Emory University in Atlanta, GA in 2008 he joined the Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research at Indiana University as a Research Associate. From September 2011 until August 2012 he was an Associate Research Scientist at the Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Technical Systems at Northeastern University. Since 2008 he has been pursuing the use of Data Science and Machine Learning to study human behavior. By processing and analyzing large datasets from Twitter, Wikipedia, web access logs, and Yahoo! Meme he studied how we can observe both large scale and individual human behavior in an obtrusive and widespread manner. The main applications have been to the study of Information Diffusion, Behavioral Change and Epidemic Spreading. He is the author of almost 50 publications with over 2700 Google Scholar citations and the editor of the forthcoming book Social Phenomena: From Data Analysis To Models (Springer, 2015).


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Clément Levallois

Clément Levallois is Assistant Professor at EMLYON Business School.

Trained as an economist and historian of science, he shifted to computational methods and data visualization to explore a variety of questions in social sciences and the humanities. His current research projects involve Twitter data, text mining and network visualizations.

Clement is a member of the open source project Gephi and the organizer of the first conference on « Twitter for Research », held in Lyon in April 2015

Alexandre Francisco – Tutorial

Alexandre P. Francisco has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and he is currently an Assistant Professor at the CSE Dept, IST, Univ of Lisbon. His current interests include the design and analysis of data structures and algorithms, graphs, and programming, with applications on network mining, large data processing and computational science.

Daniel Gonçalves – Tutorial

Daniel Gonçalves is a researcher at the Visualization and Multimodal Interfaces Group  of INESC-ID and Professor of Computer Science at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UL), the School of Engineering of the University of Lisboa, Portugal. His research encompasses the areas of Information Visualization, Personal Information Management and Accessibility. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers publications in those areas, as well as being the co-author of a textbook on Human-Computer Interaction. He managed INESC-ID’s participation in the national EDUCARE project, where information visualization techniques will be used in novel ways as a pedagogic aid, and EU AAL PAELife, striving to find new interaction techniques for the creation of a personal life assistant for the elderly. He was one of the organizers and Technical Program Chair of IFIP INTERACT 2011 (September

2011) and of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (February 2012). He is a member of ACM and the Portuguese Computer Graphics Group (the national Eurographics chapter).

Luís Veiga – Tutorial

Luís Veiga received his PhD (2007) in Computer Science and Engineering, by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), ULisboa. He is tenured Assistant Professor at IST and Senior Researcher at INESC-ID. He coordinates locally the FP7 CloudForEurope project, participates in FP7 Timbus project. He has lead 2 National research projects on P2P cycle-sharing, and is locally coordinating 2 on distributed virtual machines and multicore programming. His research interests include distributed systems, replication, virtual machines, middleware for cloud, grid, P2P and mobile computing, resource management. He has over 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications (Best-paper at Middleware 2007, Best-paper award runner up at IEEE CloudCom 2013, and 2014) in workshops, conferences, book chapters, edited books, and journals since 2000. He was General Chair for Middleware 2011, and belongs to Middleware Steering and Program Committee. He is Virtualization track co-Chair for IEEE CloudCOM 2013, and Local Chair for Euro-Par 2014 track on Distributed Systems and Algorithms. He has served as reviewer for prestigious journals such as IEEE TPDS, JPDC, FGCS, IEEE Systems Journal and served as Guest-Editor for two special issues of Springer JISA journal. He has previously served in international conferences as member of program committee, proceedings editor (ACM Middleware 2012, EuroSys 2007, ACM PPPJ 2007-2008, and MobMid/M-MPAC Workshop at ACM Middleware 2008, 2009, and

2010) and co-chaired ARM Middleware workshops for 2012 and 2013. He was an “Excellence in Teaching in IST” mention recipient (2008, 2012, 2014), and awarded Best Young Researcher at INESC-ID Prize (2012, and nominated 2010,2011), and and awarded Best Researcher at INESC-ID Prize (2014) overall, and nominated 2013. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, member of ACM and EuroSys. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the MSc in Telecommunications and Informatics, and an elected member of the IST School Assembly. He is the Program Chair for IEEE CSE 2015 and INFORUM 2015. He is Chair 2014-2015, IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Portugal Section, Region 8.